Immediate Release
Contact: Anne Burkett,
NAITA Executive Director
256.532.3505 ● naita@naita.org
Technology Receives 2017 NAITA Global Trade Award

Leeper, President and CEO of AZ Technology, accepts the
2017 NAITA Global Trade Award from Zach Barry,
International Sales Manager, Aladdin Light Lift, who was
the 2016 NAITA Global Trade Award Recipient.

AL, May 30, 2017 –
The North Alabama International Trade Association announces that
Huntsville small business AZ Technology received the 2017 NAITA
Global Trade Award at NAITA's 34th annual World Trade Day
produces Thermal Control Coatings for Space and Terrestrial
applications and Electro-Optical Instruments. AZ also offers many
related services in support of these products, like applying the
coatings to spaceflight hardware, repairing and calibrating the
instruments, as well performing measurements using their
Technology has been in business for 27 years, and they began
selling internationally 25 years ago. Countries they have done
business with and expect to continue working with in the
foreseeable future include Russia, China, South Korea, France,
UK, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Israel, Switzerland, Spain, Norway,
Germany, Singapore, Finland and Mexico. Exports contribute over
42% of AZ’s sales.
AZ’s export sales were to the various International Space Station
partners, and that was a small percentage of sales. The growth in
the global satellite market has increased this to approximately
half of sales, with yearly fluctuations of 10 to 20% due to
exchange rates and country economic or political issues. Russia has
been a strong market in the past, but almost all sales there are
currently on hold because of their economy.
13 employees, and almost 12 of those jobs being dependent upon
international business, Lynn Leeper, President and CEO of AZ
Technology, states that the company could not survive without
export sales.
is a NAITA member and an active participant in NAITA and Export
Alabama Alliance programs, which provide critical international
business training. AZ has especially benefitted from NAITA’s export
control events and networking.
Global Trade Award was accepted by Lynn Leeper, President and CEO
of AZ Technology, on Tuesday, May 23, during the 34th Annual
NAITA World Trade Day Luncheon at the Westin Huntsville at Bridge
Street Towne Centre.
North Alabama International Trade Association (NAITA) is a
business-driven organization committed to increasing knowledge,
interest, and activity in international trade in North Alabama
for almost 35 years. NAITA’s mission is to provide international
trade advocacy, training, and networking to promote economic
growth in North Alabama. Further information on NAITA is
available at naita.org.
North Alabama International Trade Association
P.O. Box 2457 | Huntsville, AL 35804
Phone: (256) 532-3505 |Fax: (256) 532-3704
| www.naita.org